Making Glazes


Everything you'll need to know to mix up and test your own glazes. Also covering how to fire and repair a cone art kiln with a digital controller (8 years old).

August 21st, 22nd, and 26th

9 am to 11am (Potential to run a bit longer in the morning if needed. Finishing no later than 12pm)

This class is inspired by the glaze workshop Amy took with John Britt (author of Mastering Cone 6 Glazes), last year. We will learn how to mix up 1kg of a “base” glaze, following a glaze recipe. Then we will add different colorants to the glazes and get over 10 different glazes from one recipe. At the end of the workshop we will be able to review the results of over 50 possible glaze recipes!

Leaving this workshop, it is my goal that you feel empowered to mix your own glazes and test different colors in a glaze. You will also know more about firing a kiln and how to maintain it properly.

Day 1 (Aug 21) - we mix up test glazes togeter and glaze test tiles. You become familiar with the different glaze ingredients and how to read a glaze recipe.

Day 2 (Aug 22)- we look at the kiln; firing and repairs, insurance and troubleshooting. we discuss all the equipment you will need to start mixing glazes at home. We load the kiln together and turn it on.

Day 3 (Aug 26th) - we unload the kiln and examine our glaze results. A simple discussion about food safety as well.

You will need:  please bring your own

1. Emersion blender 

2. Face mask with a p100 dust rating

3. Micro scale that is able to weigh to 0.01 grams

More details about what to bring will be sent out in a welcome email about 1 week before the class begins in August.

* This item in not refundable, as it is holding a place for you in the workshop with a limited number of spaces and it prevents others from taking your spot.

** also, there is no secondary payment after this purchase price. This is just one paymennt. Don’t worry about the agreement checkbox when purchasing the workshop that tallks about a deposit (I was unable to edit that form)

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